Spring has sprung

Where we went

Just last week I noticed that the cherry tree outside our bedroom window had blossom on it. Now the willow tree has a shadow of green, the neighbour’s almond tree is in bloom and there are daffodils at the end of the road. To cap it all, today was the first grass cut of the year! On the downside, the weeds are growing just  as well as the grass…

But I’m waaay tired

There’s been a lot of exercise going on. Yesterday was a beautiful hike around Mas d’Azil – two hours of walking. The day before was an hour-long bike ride. It was on the flat, but fast. We averaged 34kph on the road on the way back. Fast for me! Especially as it came after another ride the day before, where I fell off – again. This makes three times in eight days. This time it was my right elbow that took the blow. Last time it was the left thigh. All in all, I’m feeling pretty beaten up, tired and endlessly hungry.

Today is a rest day. Tomorrow is another day.